Christmas Tree Fundraiser with S.E. Daughtery & Sons
S.E. Daugherty & Sons, the farm stand located at the Hwy 70/70S split in Bellevue, has teamed up with Gower Elementary for a spectacular fundraising opportunity. Like many businesses in our community over the recent weeks, S.E. Daugherty & Sons have found a way to support our school and contribute to the local community. We are thankful for this opportunity!
From S.E. Daugherty & Sons:
Starting Friday, December 1, we will have a great selection of Fraser Fir trees from Wolf Creek Tree Farm out of North Carolina in the green-space behind our farm stand at 8250 Highway 70 South, Nashville, 37221. When you pre-order your one-of-a-kind Christmas tree today be sure to mention Gower Elementary School and we’ll donate 20% to Gower’s PTO!
See the flyer below (or download here) for more details. Deadline to order is October 31st. Email with your order. Be SURE to mention GOWER ELEMENTARY!
Email with your order