Popsicle Party and Teacher lists!!!
Please join the new Gower PTO board on August 6th between 1:30 and 3:30 to celebrate a new year at Gower Elementary with some cool popsicles. The spirit store will be open and class rosters will be posted.
Stomp & Chomp 2018
The 2018 Stomp & Chomp theme is “80’s Prom”! It should be a fun night for parents and children alike! More details will be posted very soon.
One of the highlights of this annual event is the auction. We are currently seeking donations for the auction. If you have an item or service that you would like to donate, or know of a local business that might like to contribute to the auction, please contact us at
Click Here for more information on Business Partnerships
More updates coming soon!
Christmas Tree Fundraiser with S.E. Daughtery & Sons
S.E. Daugherty & Sons, the farm stand located at the Hwy 70/70S split in Bellevue, has teamed up with Gower Elementary for a spectacular fundraising opportunity. Like many businesses in our community over the recent weeks, S.E. Daugherty & Sons have found a way to support our school and contribute to the local community. We are thankful for this opportunity!
From S.E. Daugherty & Sons:
Starting Friday, December 1, we will have a great selection of Fraser Fir trees from Wolf Creek Tree Farm out of North Carolina in the green-space behind our farm stand at 8250 Highway 70 South, Nashville, 37221. When you pre-order your one-of-a-kind Christmas tree today be sure to mention Gower Elementary School and we’ll donate 20% to Gower’s PTO!
See the flyer below (or download here) for more details. Deadline to order is October 31st. Email with your order. Be SURE to mention GOWER ELEMENTARY!
Email with your order